Is Making Vegan Cheese Worth the Effort?
I started 2020 with a desire to figure out how to make vegan cheese that was at least a reasonable facsimile of cheese. Over the past few years, I have bought some commercial vegan cheeses, but I found them too fatty and/or oily for my taste. I wanted to find a viable option but didn't. I tried to figure out how I could use some of them to inspire recipes to make my own. I have tried to make a wide variety of vegan cheese recipes I found on the internet since becoming vegan but usually find them lacking in some way or the other. I've also discovered that often when I find one that works well once, replicating the success doesn't go as well. I have come to believe this might be more because of the novelty of the first attempt more so than an actual successful first attempt. Expectations might be part of the problem. By that I mean I want the flavor without the fat or the salt. And that becomes a tall order. Yet, I like the idea of vegan cheese for pizza, lasagna, and a few ...