Peanut Lime Salad Dressing

I often eat salad with dinner, and I rarely write down my salad recipes because I tend to go with what I have on hand to make them and then change them up with a variety of homemade dressings. In fact, often the only thing that is different in a salad from one night to the next is the dressing. As I thought about it, I decided that I'd start sharing a few of those dressings. Peanut Lime Salad Dressing is one of my go-to dressings. It works with most salads. I particularly like it with salads that have kale and/or cabbage as the primary greens. I don't love it with salads that are heavy on lettuce, but then again I'm not a huge fan of lettuce. Since other greens have much more nutritional value and, in my opinion, flavor punch, I rarely use lettuce unless it's in our harvest box , and even then only as part of the supporting cast. Some of you might be thinking this dressing seems similar to the peanut sauce I used in my Vegetable Stir Fry with Peanut Sauce recipe. It...