Almond Milk

Like hazelnut milk, almond milk tends to be a fairly consistent recipe across the board. It is however a wonderful alternative for milk in myriad ways. I use it on a fairly consistent basis. It takes a bit longer than hazelnut milk because there is the necessity to soak the almonds first. Some people say you don't have to soak them, but I didn't like the consistency or the flavor as much as when I soak them.

Almond Milk

1 cup raw almonds*
Water to soak the almonds
4 cups water

Place almonds in a small bowl and pour between 3-4 cups of water over the almonds. Allow to soak 8-12 hours.

Drain water off the almonds. Rinse the almonds. Place almonds in a blender, such as a Vitamix. Add 4 cups of water. Blend until the liquid turns white increasing the speed slowly.

Place a nutmilk bag in a pitcher and pour blended almond mixture into the nutmilk bag. Twist the bag wringing out as much liquid as possible.

Place almond pulp from the nutmilk bag into an airtight storage container. It can be refrigerated or frozen for later use.

Pour the almond milk into an airtight storage container. Refrigerate.

Almond milk will usually last about one week in the refrigerator. It can be frozen for later use.

Note: I like to reuse old jars to store the pulp and old glass bottles, like juice bottles, to store the almond milk.

Making your own nut milks guarantees you know what is in the milk and there are no added preservatives or other chemicals that just aren't necessary or are even perhaps unhealthy.

*I buy my almonds in bulk at a local grocery store.

Note: I use as many organic ingredients as I can find, so I rarely include the word "organic" in my list of ingredients.


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