Peanut Butter

When I first heard about the idea of making peanut butter at home, I expected some complicated process. After all, the conditioning about buying peanut butter started when I was young and it stuck. I suppose you could say I bought the marketing that peanut butter came in jars and I never questioned its origin or what it was. Once I realized how easy peanut butter is to make, I started making it on a regular basis. I'll confess I still sometimes buy commercially made peanut butter, especially if I'm not anywhere near the two stores that sell the peanuts I like to use to make peanut butter; however, I much prefer the flavor of homemade. 

Peanut Butter

4 cups peanuts

Pour peanuts in a food processor

Pulse 4-6 times. 

Process until peanuts are smooth and creamy.*

Spoon in a glass jar.

Store in the refrigerator.

* There will be a point where it seems like they are just turning into a dry lump going round and round the bowl of the food processor. Just be patient. This happens shortly before it turns to a buttery consistency.

Note: I use as many organic ingredients as I can find, so I rarely include the word "organic" in my list of ingredients.


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