Mango Banana Blood Orange Water

Mango Banana Blood Orange Water is one of my favorite fruit infused waters... But then again, I think most of the fruit infused waters I make are a favorite when I'm drinking them. I'd been waiting for a while for the local grocery store to get blood oranges in stock, so I could make this one. 

Since the First Alternative Co-op finally had blood oranges back in, I decided to bump the recipe I planned to post this week to next week. 

I really like fruit infused water as a way to make water be more interesting, particularly when I start slacking off drinking enough water on a daily basis.

Mango Banana Blood Orange Water

1 cup frozen mango*
1 banana
1-2 blood oranges
48-60 ounces water

Slice blood orange and remove seeds.

Peel the banana and break into pieces.

Place all the fruit in a 48- 60 ounce pitcher. Cover with water.


Let infuse for 12 hours.

*Fresh mango will also work, but I prefer to use frozen in this recipe, mostly because I'd rather just eat the fresh mango.

Note: I use organic ingredients whenever possible.


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