Healthy Food Isn't Always Easy to Find

Recently while travelling I started thinking about an Instagram post I saw a month or so ago that talked about being vegan as being "privileged". I didn't really think much about it at the time though I am aware there are food deserts in many places. 

As I shopped for groceries in a place where I couldn't find the things I easily buy at home, I started to think about how there are places where being vegan or finding healthy food options aren't so readily available, even if they aren't full on food deserts. There are places where options are so limited that people have to make do with what they can find. I don't know how we can address this issue in a widespread way, but I think it behooves us to recognize that it's easier to find some ingredients in some places than in other places. This is why I often include links to my ingredients and tools on Amazon. I figure if one is online, one can at the very least order some of the ingredients, but after giving it more thought I also realize that just because they're available via Amazon doesn't mean people can afford them.

Yet, as I walked through that grocery store seeing the small section of organic produce and searching out other vegan, organic foods, I started to think about how easy it is for me to be vegan when I'm home. I live in an area that has organic foods in abundance and vegan options easy to find in the grocery store, many of which are made locally.

Not everyone has that access. I am lucky in that regard. I can eat to promote my health. I can create recipes with somewhat rare or even exotic ingredients.
So, while I will continue to share recipes that might have ingredients that aren't always readily available, I am going to look at some of my recipes and see if I can create some more recipes that use ingredients that are more readily available even in places where options aren't quite as abundant. 

I will continue to use fresh ingredients because I know they tend to be healthier, but I will also work at being more cognizant that not every recipe I share has ingredients that everyone can access.

When I started this blog, one of my goals was to make plant-based dining more accessible to a wide variety of people. This grocery store trip reminded me that sometimes it's far too easy to think that everyone has the same access I have rather than stopping to think about how people living in different circumstances will be affected by the recipes I share.

I've researched efforts to address the problem of food deserts, and I've seen some promising efforts. 

Some organizations addressing food deserts.

The Ron Finley Project

Urban Grower's Collective

DC Urban Greens

For those wondering why I didn't post last week, please see my post on Write with TLC. Next week I hope to be back with a new recipe.


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