Blueberry Chocolate Chip Avocado Cream

I've been experimenting with using avocados to cream an ice cream like dessert. This version turned out really good. I'm still playing with some other versions, so there will be more of these recipes coming. I like desserts that are healthy but give one the impression of being decadent.  

Blueberry Chocolate Chip Avocado Cream

2 ripe avocados
2 frozen bananas
2 cups frozen blueberries
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons yacon syrup*
¼ cup chocolate chips**

Cut avocados in half. Remove seed. Spoon avocado into a food processor. 

Cut bananas into chunks and add to food processor

Add blueberries, vanilla, cinnamon and yacon syrup.

Process until smooth.

Spoon into a bowl. Stir in chocolate chips. 

Will resemble a soft serve ice cream and can be served right away if desired.

Cover and place in the freezer to firm up.***

Store in the freezer.

*Yacon syrup is quite sweet, so it only takes a little bit. According to How Not to Diet by Michael Greger, M. D. FACLM, yacon syrup in small doses can be good for digestion and weight loss, but can can be problematic for people with digestive issues. If you cannot eat yacon syrup, you can substitute maple syrup, but might need a tablespoon instead of 2 teaspoons.

** Make sure your chocolate chips are vegan. It's important to read the labels on chocolate chips because many are not vegan.

*** If the cream gets too firm to scoop out easily, leave it on the counter for a few minutes to soften before serving.

Note: I use organic ingredients whenever possible.


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