Mint Water

I really enjoy flavored water, and mint water is one of my favorites - well, I guess they're all kind of my favorites depending on which one I have in the refrigerator. It's easy to make and quite refreshing with a variety of meals or just as a glass of water in the middle of the day. It offers a nice change when drinking plain water gets boring. My mint was looking and smelling quite good this week, so I decided it was time for some mint water.  

Mint Water

1 cup fresh mint*
60 ounces water**

Place mint in 60 ounce pitcher and pour water over mint.

Let steep overnight in the refrigerator.


Add more water until it begins to lose it flavor. It’s usually possible to get several extractions from the mint.

*You can use more or less according to personal preference.

** If your pitcher is smaller than this, that's fine. Just use whatever you have on hand. I've made this same recipe with as little as 48 ounces of water. It's just a bit mintier, but 60 seems to work well.

NOTE: I use organic ingredients whenever possible.


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