Lentil Pecan Burgers

Finding a plant-based burger recipe that works well has been a bit of challenge for me. I've tried several that worked okay but not great. I've tried several that had inconsistent results. So far I've made this recipe for Lentil Pecan Burgers a few times, and it's turned out well each time. I will say they are like any other burger in that cooking them can be tricky. They must be watched closely. Overcooking them will leave them dry and crumbly and undercooking them will leave them a bit mushy. Overall, I've had consistent results with these Lentil Pecan Burgers.

Lentil Pecan Burgers
2 cups cooked brown lentils*
1 cup pecans pieces
¼ cup barley groats
¾ cup rolled barley
1 small onion
2 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons ground flax seeds
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander
½ teaspoon chili powder

Soak barley groats in hot water until they fluff up a bit, approximately 15-20 minutes. They will still be a bit firm.
Mince onion and garlic.
Drain barley groats, spread on a flat surface such as a cookie sheet, and allow to dry.

Add all ingredients to a food processor and pulse several times. Should start to stick together but retain some texture.
Shape into patties.**

These can either be baked on a parchment lined cookie sheet or dry fried in a very hot cast iron skillet.
Serve with sliced tomatoes, kale, and other accompaniments. Good with buns.

* I've used both brown lentils and green lentils in this recipe. Both work equally well though I thought the brown lentils made them slightly moister.

** Can be placed in airtight freezer bags and frozen for later use if desired. 

Note: I use organic ingredients whenever possible.

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To learn more about me and my work, please visit, www.tlcooper.com.


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