Blackberries & Biscuits

As I thought about making Spelt Biscuits to share on the blog, I kept remembering my Daddy making Blackberries & Biscuits for breakfast on winter weekend mornings. He used the blackberries we'd picked and frozen during the summer. He sometimes made his own biscuits and sometimes used canned. Those blackberries tasted better than the store-bought ones I used this time. Maybe it had something to do with knowing we'd picked them ourselves. Maybe it had something to do the soil they grew in on our farm. Or maybe it's just nostalgia telling me they tasted better.

Regardless, I decided to make this a two-recipe week and share both the biscuit recipe and this very simple recipe for Blackberries & Biscuits in honor of my Daddy.

Blackberries & Biscuits

1 pint - 1 quart frozen blackberries
1 batch biscuits

Place blackberries in a small pan. Heat over medium-low heat until soft and steaming.*

Serve with biscuits.**

* I think Daddy added some sugar to his when he cooked them, but I'm not sure. You can if you want, but the blackberries by themselves are sweet enough for me.

** I break open the biscuits and spoon the blackberries and blackberry juice over them until they're fairly well covered.

Note: I use organic ingredients whenever possible.

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