Cold Brew Latte

As I mentioned in my recipe for cold brew coffee, one of my favorite ways to drink it is paired with a plant-based milk, particularly nut milk. Making a Cold Brew Latte really easy. 

Whenever I drink one, I always feel like I'm giving myself a treat! I don't give exact measurements in this recipe because it depends on the size of your glass.

Cold Brew Latte


Equal parts cold brew coffee**
Equal parts nut milk**

Fill a glass halfway with ice.

Pour coffee over ice until glass is approximately half full.

Fill glass the rest of the way with nut milk.***


*Sometimes I opt to leave the ice out completely, but the additional cold is quite nice, particularly when it's really hot out. It does, however, make the latte a bit weaker, so if you prefer stronger, eliminate or reduce the amount of ice.

** I say equal parts of each because, generally speaking, that seems to give the best flavor profile though I have upped the amount of coffee thereby decreasing the amount of nut milk when I've been in the mood for a bit stronger coffee taste.

*** I like to drink mine with a glass straw.

Note: I used organic ingredients whenever possible, so I rarely label the items in my ingredients list as such. 


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